Thursday, October 27, 2011


i was in the grocery store a few days ago the single-size sticks of Kerrygold Garlic & Herb Irish Butter caught my eye... in the CHEESE section. butter in the cheese section? irish in the butter? o'my. i decided to file that one away until next years St. Patty's day feast. fast forward 4 days, i'm in the store buying gruyere for french onion soup tonight... and yeah i had to have it. and a big bagel. i was on my way to an early morning barre class, so surely i would need some fat-laden bread as soon as i got home. this stuff was creammmy. and herbbby - it's blended with chives, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, dill & paprika. all on top of european-style fatty fat butter. the milk fat in the butter comes from grass fed cows... and not just any cows. irish cows. grass fed irish cows who spend their days grazing the rolling irish meadows, the same meadows tickled by magical little leprechaun toes. mmm o'hell yes, pimp my bagel Kerrygold. and maybe my chicken... this stuff probably makes for a pretty tasty sautee party.

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